1. listen
2. abstract
3. in the press
4. technical details
5. performances
article 6 [waves] (2013) by Rozalie Hirs is a lyrical, virtuosic composition for electric guitar and relatively simple electronic glissandi, synthesized from pure sine waves, employing binaural beatings and ring modulation only. The instrumental lines are enveloped by, or cut through, the glissandi moving in several large waves. article 6 [waves] (2013) is scored for solo electric guitar and electronic soundtrack. It was written at the invitation of the electric guitar player Wiek Hijmans and is dedicated to him. article 6 [waves] (2013) is recorded by Wiek Hijmans for his solo CD Album Electric Language (Amsterdam: Attacca Productions, 2018).
article 6 [waves] (2013) is the sixth episode in a series by Rozalie Hirs of solo compositions with or without electronic sounds. article 6 [waves] (2013) investigates the overtone realm of article 7 [ways to climb a mountain] (2012) for bass clarinet and electronic sounds. In addition it served as the starting point for article 8 [infinity] (2014) for flute and electronic sounds. The three pieces can be played separately as solo works, but were also conceived to be played in conjunction, i.e. simultaneously, as the trio infinity stairs (2014). All mentioned works were composed with financial support of a Stipend by the Netherlands Foundation for the Performing Arts.
in the press
“Listening to a CD like this one is like a musical journey of discovery, that may produce memorable moments. Such a moment is article 6 [waves] by Rozalie Hirs (1965), who transverses life both as a poet and as a composer. On Ladder 11 with Fie Schouten, performing on the bass clarinet, something similar happened – article 7 kept on chasing down the ear. This is music with a remarkable tendency towards comtemplation that for a change does not lull one into sleep.” Siebe Riedstra, Opus Klassiek
“The most coherent pieces on the CD are by Rozalie Hirs and Alison Cameron. In article 6 [waves] Hirs places light-footed melodies against softly howling sinetones. Together the many harmonics, the warm tone colour, and the rising and falling drones create a mysterious, super worldly atmosphere.” Hoe Wiek Hijmans de elektrische gitaar solofähig maakt. Thea Derks, Cultureel Persbureau.
“Especially intriguing are the microtonal melodies in article 6 [waves] by Rozalie Hirs”
Uit iedere noot van gitarist Wiek Hijmans spreekt een feilloze beheersing van toon en timbre, Frits van der Waa, Volkskrant.
technical details
article 6 [waves] (2013) was commissioned by Wiek Hijmans, with financial support of a Stipend by the Netherlands Foundation for the Performing Arts.
(electric) guitar
electronic sounds
a MIDI pedal for triggering the electronic sounds, to be played by the guitarist on stage, and laptop
10′ ca.
Rozalie Hirs’s music scores are published by Deuss Music. The score of article 6 [waves] (2013) can be purchased through this link (click here).
further technical requirements
1.) QLAB software, to be installed on the above mentioned laptop
2.) The ‘article 6’ QLAB sampler, to be obtained through Deuss Music
3.) Amplifier and mixer in the concert hall
4.) Stereo loudspeakers, to be placed on stage
5.) Optional amplification of the electric guitar (i.e. microphone, cables)
24 October 2021, 20:00, Infinity Stairs: Rozalie Hirs (portrait concert), LOOS, De Constant Rebecqueplein 20-B, 2518 RA Den Haag, The Hague, The Netherlands – Wiek Hijmans (electric guitar)
13 May 2021, 20:00, Up Close: Rozalie Hirs (portrait concert), Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands – Wiek Hijmans (electric guitar)
21 March 2021, 16:00, Rozalie Hirs (portrait concert): Infinity Stairs, Martin Luther Church, Amsterdam, The Netherlands – Wiek Hijmans (electric guitar) **POSTPONED DUE TO THE PANDEMIC**
10 March 2018, 16:00, Wiek Hijmans (CD release concert): Electric language, Splendor, Amsterdam, The Netherlands – Wiek Hijmans (electric guitar)
20 February 2015, 20:30, Rozalie Hirs (portrait concert): Poetry and Music, Ostadetheater, Amsterdam, The Netherlands – Wiek Hijmans (electric guitar)
17 September 2014, 20:30, Infinity Stairs, Bethaniënklooster, Amsterdam, The Netherlands – Wiek Hijmans (electric guitar)
21 September 2013, 20:30, Wiek Hijmans (solo recital): Gevonden Werken, Korzo Theatre, The Hague, The Netherlands – Wiek Hijmans (electric guitar)