2014, agenda, muziekconcert, premières, presentaties

infinity stairs (2014) – world première

Op 17 september 2014 om 20:30 uur geven Shanna Gutierrez (fluit), Wiek Hijmans (elektrische gitaar), Fie Schouten (basklarinet) en Christian Karlsen (dirigent) in Bethaniënklooster, Amsterdam, de wereldpremière van het nieuwe trio Infinity stairs (2014) door Rozalie Hirs. Met dank aan Arne Bock (geluidsprojectie). programma Fredrick Gifford – Adage of Spontaneity […]

2014, agenda, muziekwerken

article 8 [infinity] (2014)

contents 1. abstract 2. technical details 3. performances abstract article 8 [infinity] (2014) by Rozalie Hirs is a microtonal composition for flute and electronic sounds. Highly lyrical melodies are enveloped by, or cut through, electronic glissandi that move along in several large waves. The electronic waves are custom-synthesized by the […]

2014, agenda, muziekwerken

infinity stairs (2014)

contents 1. abstract 2. technical details 3. performances abstract infinity stairs (2014) by Rozalie Hirs is a trio for flute, bass clarinet, (electric) guitar, and electronic sounds, composed with financial support of a Stipend by the Netherlands Foundation for the Performing Arts. technical details support infinity stairs (2014) was composed […]