*** Nederlandse vertaling volgt *** On Sunday 29 November at 11:30 CET the architectural sound sculpture Ways of Space (2019) by architect Machiel Spaan (spatial design) and composer Rozalie Hirs (electronic music composition) is exhibited at STEIM, Schipluidenlaan, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Spaan and Hirs introduce the work through a short lecture and talk with the audience after the event. With this work we celebrate life, color, meditation. If you like to attend, please send an email to sacha@steim.nl. Due to Covid-19 measurements, reservation is mandatory, and the number of visitors is restricted. It would be great to welcome you!
The intermedial installation Ways of Space (2019) by architect Machiel Spaan and composer Rozalie Hirs was developed in close collaboration during their artist-in-residence at Van Doesburg House, Meudon, France, from September through December 2019. The new work is inspired by the concept of the open plattegrond (English: open floorplan) Theo Van Doesburg (1883-1931) developed for his architectural work, including his own residence at rue Infroît, Meudon, France. Spaan has designed the installation and Hirs has composed the music. It is the third collaborative architecture/sound art project by Spaan and Hirs, after Curvices (2013-present), and the Listening House (2017-present). The residency is supported by the Mondriaanfonds, Theo Van Doesburg House, Stimuleringsfonds voor de Creatieve Industrie, and STEIM. The event is Corona-proof, in accordance with regulations advised by the RIVM (The Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) and the Dutch government.
Date: 2020-11-29
Time: 11:30 CET
Location: STEIM, Broedplaats Lely, Schipluidenlaan 12, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Performers: Machiel Spaan (spatial design), Rozalie Hirs (electronic music composition)